Saturday, June 26, 2010

Benetint (lip stain)? Love/hate it? And other noteable pos./neg. please!?

I'm not really a lipgloss or lipstick person. It just sticks to my hair, and gets in the way, and really pisses me off. Its beautiful, but I dont have the patience to use it. Thats mainly the gloss. But when I've tried lipstick, its made the space between my lip and my nose really sweaty. Which is slightly gross, very annoying, and if I try to casually wipe it with the back of my hand, I get a giant pink smudge on it, and my lipstick is then uneven. Yayy.... So, you see why I'm not a fan of the lip products.

Now, even so, I love having colorful lips, so for the past year I've been lightly thinking about trying a lip stain. Since I couldnt find the bourjois lip marker, I've been thinking benetint. Havent had the chance to try it yet.

Now, I'm unexperienced when it comes to the tint. So, questions:

Does it smudge when you lightly swipe at it?

Does it stick to hair?

Is it similar to lipstick? Or is it more of the effect you get after sucking on a red popsicle? (a nice shade that seems to become temporarily a part of your lips)

Are there any positives/negatives I should know about?

Thankyou so much,

x CarolineBenetint (lip stain)? Love/hate it? And other noteable pos./neg. please!?
love ittttttttt

and also poisetint is amazinggggg

cheeks and lips

but i prefer it on my cheeks

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